Saturday, June 28, 2008

Obama gets pissed!

Now that's funny!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fr. Pfleger complaint line

Father Phleger is coming back to Saint Sabina's church again to stir up trouble for Cardinal Francis George. The controversial priest will surely be spewing his hate against white people come next week's Sunday mass.

When Father Phleger makes a disturbing comment please call the Archdiocese Of Chicago at 1-312-751-8204 and voice your opinion. This is for a voice mail comment. Let Cardinal George know what you think of Phleger. I made my comments known and so should you.

Archdiocese of Chicago

Beer Drinkers Comic Strip

For those of us beer drinkers that enjoy one every now and then.

Blogging since February 2005

I have been blogging as Point B since 2005.

Meet The Press host Tim Russert has passed away Friday afternoon. He was the most neutral political interviewer in main stream media. I can't say I was ever able to guess his position on politics by watching his interviews. NBC has lost their only fair and balanced host.

Go Bills!

Point B has moved

Point B has moved to blogger! Formerly of typepad.